Miss Leota Pepto
2015 Bay Roan Quarter Horse Mare
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6 Panel N/N. 88% NFQHA, 25% Limited Hancock, 25% Peptoboonsmal, 12.50% Hancocks Blue Boy, 12.50% Smart Little Lena, 12.50% Peppy San Badger, 9.08% Leo, 8.98% King, 6.25% Doc Bar, 6.25% Peppy San Badger, 5.47% Royal King, and 5.47% Poco Bueno. 1.22% IBC. Color Test: A/a, nd2/nd2, E/E, Rn/N

Mr Pepto Lena
Peppy San Badger
Royal Blue Boon
Easters Little Lena
Smart Little Lena


Leota Holder
Click here for More Info!

Limited Hancock
Hancocks Blue Boy
Poco Aledo Leo
Leota Rosa Holder
Leo B Buck
Drifting Rosie

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Bridle Bit Ranch
50301 140th Street, Byars, OK 74831
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